Please select the desired advertising material. The filter function lets you specify the list to certain online- respective print advertising materials.
Product   Medium  
Information card
Free of charge

The info card is ideal for communicating short-term messages and important information in an appealing way. Use them to communicate your current messages quickly and effectively.


Our tip: Display your customised information on the cover and/or attach the information card to your correspondence and mailings.

Free of charge

Simply peel off and attach - these practical stickers turn your printed documents into attractive advertising material. Whether letters, packages or invoices, you can use the small stickers on any documents your company sends out.


Poster A1
Free of charge

Our DIN A1 poster is a guaranteed eye-catcher when placed in a highly-frequented location. This attention-grabbing advertising medium can be used to communicate your messages in a highly effective manner and to reach a broader circle of customers.

New products sign
Free of charge

The new products sign can be used to draw attention to your innovations directly at the trade fair. This enables you to arouse the interest of the trade visitors even from a long way off.

No photographs sign
Free of charge

You would rather visitors not take snapshots at your stand? With this sign prominently displayed you can make your wishes unmistakably clear!

Free of charge

Use the trade fair logo for your advertisements, invitation brochures and printed materials to promote your stand effectively.

You may download a .jpg or .eps file of the logo here free of charge.

Online banner
Free of charge

You can use a banner on your homepage to attract attention to your trade fair participation online. This will help ensure that your trade fair stand is visited just as frequently as your website. Simply copy the code and integrate it into your site to turn a virtual hit into a real contact.

E-Mail signature
Free of charge

Add an e-mail signature containing your hall and stand location as a short, but effective reminder to your e-mail correspondence with customers.

A simple and fast way to generate your signature. All you need to do is enter your details in the corresponding fields. Your customised signature will then appear automatically and can be downloaded immediately.

Personalized hall plan
Free of charge

A few clicks are all you need to create your own personal virtual hall plan. Simply upload your logo, enter your stand number and download the completed file, which can either be used for print or digital advertising materials.

Homepage-Layer (Widget)
Free of charge

Guaranteed to grab attention. With the IDS 2025 homepage layer (widget) on your website, your appearance at the fair will be visible to visitors at all times, effective and yet subtle.

Customised social media graphics
Free of charge

You can promote your appearance at the trade fair on social media with our new social media graphics. You have two options: use the eye-catching IDS 2025 key visual as your image or simply insert an image of your choice.

Generating your own social media graphic is quick and easy: enter your details in the fields provided and upload your company logo if required. If you would like, you can also upload your personal image. The graphic will then be displayed and is ready to be downloaded immediately.


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